
Welcome to my blog. Herein, I document my adventures in various casinos. Hope you have a nice stay!

Rant: Amazon/Blumhouse movie "The Lie" (with SPOILER)

Normally, my rants revolve around society and/or idiots in casinos. Today, however, I am prompted to write a review of the Blumhouse?Amazon movie “The Lie”.

Purportedly, this is a “horror” movie - alas, it is not.

Also, purportedly, this is a “psychological thriller - alas, it is not.

What this is is perhaps the worst movie I have seen since Paul Blart 2.

The acting was perfectly fine, the directing was perfectly fine, the cinematography was perfectly fine — you know what was NOT perfectly fine - the “twist” ending.

Immediately after watching this movie, I went on YouTube to check out the reviews. While most agreed with me that the movie was weak, not one YouTube reviewer pointed out the one thing that made the “twist” ending utterly ridiculous:

The twist: the girl who was dead is really alive and just took some “me time” to go see her boyfriend.

Well, you might say: “OK, it’s not the best plot twist in the world but it seems plausible”


Well, I will tell you why - and this is what strained incredulity when I was watching the YouTube reviewers…THE MOVIE SHOWS THAT THE GIRL IS DEAD - washed up on the banks of a river, basically colored blue from the snow, water, ice and freezing weather - completely wet and torn up.

Yet, in the big “twist” reveal - she walks in wearing the same exact clothes, looking perfectly healthy.

Did every single YouTuber who reviewed this movie all miss the scene where they showed the girl laying dead on the river bank?

I lost IQ points watching this movie and lost even more watching the YouTube reviews thereof.

Watching Hog and 2cent’s ghost hunting with a defective ghost detection contraption was more psychologically thrilling than this hot mess.

I will probably be in a bad mood the rest of the night now.

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