
Welcome to my blog. Herein, I document my adventures in various casinos. Hope you have a nice stay!

Vegas April 2016: Rainy day

I Slept in until a little past 12noon today. Completed my morning ablutions, got my caffeine fix and proceeded to the blackjack tables in Planet Hollywood

I played one shuffle of 2d while drinking my latte.  Maybe the caffeine also charged up the cards as I gained a quick 700.  

The caffeine kicked in and I became hungry.  I sought out some sustenance and, once satiated, resumed my quest towards even and into the positive. The caffeine buzz the cards seemed to have earlier had worn off. Over the course of 3 shuffles of 2d, the dealer had 4 blackjacks, 5 blackjacks and 4 blackjacks, respectively. Not only was the 700 I picked up earlier now a distant memory, but another 300 on top of that.

Dealer change and play resumed.  I was able to hold my own and after 4 shuffles of 2d, I had regained 300 of the 1k back. However, a shuffle later, the following hand occurred with a 200 bet up: 9,9 v dealer 2: split and dealt another 9; first 9 dealt a 6 for 15; second 9 dealt a 7 for 16; third 9 dealt an 8 for 17 - dealer turns over a 10, draws a 4 and then another 4 for 20 - By the end of the shuffle, I was once again down 2k for the trip

Just to be silly, and to the delight of the pit, I vowed not to say another word until I regained the buy-in from when I sat down, which would once again leave me only down 700 for the trip. Well, the blackjack gods must hate the sound of my voice as, within 2 shuffles of 2d, I had regained the 2k. Trip is now -700

Took a break to watch the rain coming down ]then headed back to the tables – A new 2d shuffle began and, by the last hand, I had won 500 - the last hand played out like this: 6,5 v dealer 10; drew a 7 for 18 -dealer turns over a 7 Yes! EVEN!!!

Time for dinner and see what the evening brings.——-Well, dinner was delayed quite a bit while I was locked out of my room as the mechanism that opened the door after it reads the card broke – maintenance attempted to open it with some sort of Slim Jim device but that did not work – ultimately, they basically had to crowbar it open – although it was “fun” standing there in the hallway watching them for an hour – I had to pack up the room and move to another room

Vegas May 2016: Saturday Night Fever

Vegas April 2016: Friday, Friday